Thai Buddhist Temple Bracelets, Large (8.04" Inner Circumference)
Radiant and glowing, these best-selling bracelets are authentic temple bracelets from Thailand. They are filled with the gold flake that is used on the Buddhas outside temples.
* Bangles are waterproof, comfortable, and quiet.
* These exact bracelets have been blessed by a Buddhist monk for peace, love, understanding, and good health. Please see our video for the blessing.
* Each bangle is sealed with a metal mantra tube; one side is for luck, the other for love.
* Roll on easily.
*Traditionally worn in odd numbers.
Size: Small: 5.6cm/2.2" Diameter, 6.91" Inner Circumference
Medium: 6cm/2.36" Diameter, 7.41" Inner Circumference
Large: 6.5cm/2.56" Diameter, 8.04" Inner Circumference
Extra Large: 7cm/2.75" Diameter, 8.64" Inner Circumference
These are made of polycarbonate tubing, which is slightly flexible, so these fit snug when going over your hand, but will fit the wrist perfectly.